The ultimate secret of happiness

My dear friend told me that my blog is super negative, I don’t feel the same. I’m creating things, you see, an angle of view that maybe not many noticed yet.

Lower neuroticism, that is to say : to be calm or emotional stability

However I consider the opnion of my friend, so to reduce the word effet for the readers, here I use *Apple to replace the word anxiety* Banana = stress *Dog = depression

7 years ago, I had high Apple, a lot of Bananas due to my work.

Even the fact was that moment everything was perfectly fine, the first time I was told that I got Dog, I never knew this word before, and I was so clumsy that time, it was like a wow surprise, I even told everyone around me that I had Dog that caused Apple to them (I was naive).

After at least 3 years of constant sports and better sleep, and changing of certain bad habbit etc, I get rid of the Dog, but still I got higher neuroticism like 56% or something according to test.

Higher euroticism represent adhd problems or other Apple problems. Or something like hypersensitivity. When it’s too low almost zero, it’s dangerous also, too calm = lack of preparition of danger.

2 years after my first test, it becames much lower, like around 44% , today I did the test again it was 37% while in reality when I did iridology, I was told that my nervous system is over stimulated, like a volcano, now I controlled my volcano into a pretty inactive one by studying myself like a scientist. That is to say, normally my body provide 56% of Apple, I cut off 19% by healthy way of reasonning things.

I was learned somewhere that people would be friends with others who has similar neuroticism because this represents some type of personality traits in common. To have lower neuroticism in the blood, maybe the only way to do is via medical treatement. To solve all problems by the body over the psychology is no doubt the most stable shortcut, yet not easy.

Here’s the test :

Some tips for people who has higher neuroticism from the body, like me

How to not to lose control,

  • you need always know throughly who you are at a scientific level and respect those, the more you know yourself, the better you stay calm
  • be grateful of life
  • knowing that it’s impossible to not to lose control 100%, prepare for that
  • if possible, stay way of alcohol and cigarettes or coffee etc, or simply reduce them

“People with high neuroticism have been found to carry long forms of the Serotonin Transport Gene. This gene helps us produce serotonin, which calms us down. High neurotics produce serotonin more slowly, so they have a harder time regulating their emotions after a negative event. They also feel their emotions more strongly and for a longer period. In other words, neurotics worry more because it physiologically takes them longer to recover from something bad.”

Read more at:

“Individuals who score high on emotional stability are characterized as being emotionally resilient, calm, and even-tempered. They tend to experience fewer negative emotions and are better able to cope with stress and adversity. They are also more likely to exhibit positive emotions, such as happiness, contentment, and enthusiasm.

In contrast, individuals who score low on emotional stability tend to be more prone to negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, and anger. They may be more reactive to stress and may find it difficult to cope with challenging situations. They may also exhibit a range of maladaptive behaviors, such as substance abuse or self-harm.

Research has shown that emotional stability is linked to a range of outcomes, including mental health, physical health, and interpersonal relationships. For example, individuals who score high on emotional stability tend to have better mental health outcomes, such as lower rates of depression and anxiety. They may also have better physical health outcomes, such as lower rates of cardiovascular disease. Additionally, they tend to have more stable and supportive relationships with others.”

Free big5 test :

Here’s my results :

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