The cure of narcissism

After 6 years of observations and studies, here’s some conclusions from non-clinical point of vew.

When the entire world telling about there’s no solution for NPD ( narcissistic personality disorder ), I observed from my own eyes that someone was cured, this rare case made me believe that many people in this world actually cured themselves without making a noise.

Also, a normal person might (low chance) get NPD when the enviroment allowed ( adult in severe surviving eniroment for a long time by valuing and admiring narcissism).

If possible, then how ? before I show you what I found, there are some Q + A


Is a person knows he/she has NPD ?

Mostly NO, they might think all the others around them have that.

If yes, if he/she wants to change ? If a person has a bright side in his/her spirit, the person would be willing to change, but the disorder distorted severely the reality that there’s no way for them to change. How they feel the world is like filtered in a way that the other people can’t understand. ( that’s why some people have NPD get along with each other for a long time, maybe it’s for the chance that they can change better via the mirror effet )

If the person feels so good to have NPD, they refuse to change. It means they are glad to hurt all others around. (malignant narcissist)

There’s no chance for them to change !


Do I have NPD ?

No, I hope not, that horrible parasite in the brain, I don’t want it. Let’s be optimistic that NPD is still a minority problem.

People have NPD has agitated neuro system ( neurosis ), very prone to depression, however not everyone’s in this condition has NPD, this is only a branch.

Anyways who wants to experience that ? Are there real benefits for the body ? It looks good and calm (is it ?), a calm person can constantly make dramas ?


How NPD’s born in a person ?

It’s born normally because exposed in an enviroment, of a high + low ego

A lot of love from some ways, and a lot of emotional coldness or blames in another way, it’s easily formed before the age of 10, and the earilier it’s formed the harder it can be removed.

So if you have children, please ensure that there’s no high+low thing in children’s education before their 10 years old, you need to provide enough attention for each children equally.

I do believe that even NPD can be genetic thing (similar neuro system) it’s something still can be avoid by education in early ages.


How it feels like being someone has NPD ?

It’s basically feels like the ego’s burnt by possibly :

  • the weather’s not respectful
  • the people refuse them
  • they commit an error and being caught ( they have no chance to have errors )
  • they believe that most people are bad in nature, and the world is dangerous
  • jealousy
  • nobody praise them or notice how great they are

When the ego’s touched by whatever , it feels like hell in real world.

Some people get used to hide their true feelings ( covert narcissist ), they never manifest their rage nor their self importance, it’s difficult to identify them even after years.

But from some subtle behavoir you can understand :

  • feeling entitled for other’s kindness, if others are not kind, they are automatically being abused
  • seeing self and the others as object
  • perfectionist ( especially on others )
  • prone to live in the past (idealisation of the good experience in the past) I guess it’s because they never accept the consequence of their behavoirs
  • always victim in all circonstances
  • many are actually highly emotional = dramatic
  • think taking before giving, never give for pure generosity
  • obvious lies ( gaslighting ) and telling what you should feel

Or via a honest big5 test with

Hight level of Neuroticism
Low level of Agreeableness


The cure that I observed

There are many many different types of NPD, but in brief there are 3 types :

  • Malignant covert narcissist ( no way to cure )
  • Grandiose narcissist ( extrovert )

The person need to eliminate almost all the friends circles (remove toxic enviroment) to find a brand new one ( sad thing to do ), then willingly accept the guidance to build a non-dellusional way of viewing the world, begin to feel the calmness and hapiness little by little

  • Covert closet narcissist

To become jerk openly, not to be ashamed being oneself, that is to say become a grandiose narcissist first, have more friends (having the mirrors around to be able to understand).

Then go for the work that I mentioned above.

In reality a grandiose narcissist grows a covert one with time, it’s impossible for them to go backwards.

You can imagine how it’s difficult to let them change even some of them can be so willing to try.

A lot of people who have NPD are very gifted artists and very talented important people in the world, they are hard working people you can’t deny their value and importance, and in the cruel enivrement that they are, I guess it’s might be a danger for them to give up the narcissism ( at least in their mind ). Some puts that it would make them a boring normal person, so they refuse to change, they may lose everything. They might be afraid to lose all the advantages especially creativity part of themselves.

So far I didn’t observe any kind of creativity link to narcissism, it’s totally nonsense to keep that parasite in the brain.


I feel very tiny and weak facing on this problem, I was hurt by many incredible ways, after efforts I did very small progress, but I benefit on this progress. I’m glad. I feel sad for the people that I cut off. It’s nobody’s fault.

I just don’t know how to deal with that even I grew up with it.

To help one to cure is like several years’ hard work both exhaultion emotionally and it needs a lot of different strategies… I don’t have several years for someone else, that’s enough for me as a non therapist.

Why should I do this ?

It’s important for me to know all this to change my fate, even if I can’t, I’m glad to accept everything.

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